Saturday, March 1, 2008

Big Weekend

So, ideally, this post would have happened Sunday. Or Monday or Tuesday. Or Wednesday or Thursday. Even Friday. I had a grand plan to show off what Mom got done over last weekend, plus throw in a finish off (well, almost...) that I've been just dying to share. But there too many late nighters trying to get work done and seemingly no time for blogging. So alas, a week late, check out what Mom got done last weekend:

Above are the popular Giant Chocolate-Toffee Cookies, found online at and featured on the Today Show. Apparently they went over really well at home, especially with the boys in the family ... I just wish I'd been home to try some of that chocolate-y goodness. But Mom's promised to whip up another batch when I come home (two weeks and counting ... here we come Ms. Marigold and Juliet!)

In knitting news, Mom got the Boy's Garter Stitch Yoke Sweater all joined in the round!

Since this photo was taken last week, a lot more progress has been made on the raglan decreasing. Mom hopefully will have an update on her progress soon! I don't have much to share ... I've been knitting along on my Wear Everywhere Pullover but since it's still just a tube in the round, I guess update pictures aren't that exciting. Also, knitting time has been a bit short this week, last night I was too tired to get much done, and I've been working on a summer fellowship application all day today .. but maybe I'll have something exciting to share soon. I could show you my big finished object, but think I'll save it for another day. So, until then, I'll leave you with a lovely Gerber daisy and wish you a knitting-filled weekend!

P.S. The picture above is of a t-shirt that I got in my stocking this year.. thought some other knitters might enjoy it. It's from a little shop in the town I go to school in, but you can check them out/order online (that's how Mom got it for me ...). They have knitting and sewing tees that really amuse me.

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